011039 58029 Ms. Sally Jay | |||
GENERAL APPEARANCE: Well proportioned, smooth outline showing
quality, gracefulness and perfect balance, combined with sufficient substance to
give impression of endurance. Any tendency to courseness or weediness
CHARACTERISTICS: Tenacious, hardworking sheepdog, of great tractability.
TEMPERAMENT: Keen, alert, responsive and intelligent. Neither nervous nor
HEAD & SKULL Skull fairly broad, occiput not pronounced. Cheeks not full or
rounded. Muzzle, tapering to nose, moderately short and strong. Skull and
foreface approximately equal in length. Stop very distinct. Nose black, except
in brown or chocolate colour when it may be brown. In blues nose should be slate
colour. Nostrils well developed.
EYES: Set wide apart, oval shaped, of moderate size, brown in colour except in
merles where one or both or part of one or both may be blue. Expression mild,
keen, alert and intelligent.
EARS: Medium sized and texture, well set apart. Carried erect or semi-erect and
sensitive in use.
MOUTH: Teeth and jaws strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite,
i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
NECK: Of good length, strong and muscular, slightly arched and broadening to
FOREQUARTERS: Front legs parallel when viewed from front, pasterns slightly
sloping when viewed from side. Bone strong, but not heavy. Shoulders well laid
back, elbows close to body.
BODY: Athletic in apperance, ribs well sprung, chest deep and rather broad,
loins deep and muscular, but not tucked up. Body slightly longer than height at
HINDQUARTERS: Broad, muscular, in profile sloping gracefully to set on of tail.
Thighs long, deep and muscular with well turned stifles and strong, well let
down hocks. From hock to ground, hindlegs well boned and parallel when viewed
from rear.
FEET: Oval in shape, pads deep, strong and sound, toes arched and close together.
Nails short and strong.
TAIL: Moderately long, the bone reaching at least to hock, set on low, well
furnished and with an upward swirl towards the end, completing graceful contour
and balance of dog. Tail may be raised in excitement, never carried over back.
GAIT/MOVEMENT Free, smooth and tireless, with minimum lift of feet, conveying
impression of ability to move with great stealth and speed.
COAT: Two varieties: 1) Moderately long. 2) Smooth. In both, topcoat dense and
medium textured, undercoat soft and dense giving good weather resistance. In
moderately long coated variety, abundant coat forms mane, breeching and brush.
On face, ears, forelegs (except for feather), hindlegs from hock to ground, hair
should be short and smooth.
COLOUR: Variety of colours permissable. White should never predominate.
SIZE: Ideal height: Dogs 53cms (21ins); Bitches slightly less.
FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and
the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded be in exact proportion
to its degree.
NOTE: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended
into the scrotum.
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